About Us

Our Mission

The mission of the Oxford-Lafayette School of Applied Technology (TECH) is to provide students with the necessary academic, occupational, technical, and social skills to be successful in the applicable workforce or in post-secondary education.

Our Objectives

  • Students attending the TECH will be provided effective vocational programs promoting high quality academic achievement, technical competence, occupational and social skills, and hands-on experience in preparation for career opportunities and post-secondary education.
  • Skills learned at the TECH will enhance the academic education of students in both high schools.
  • All vocational programs will be annually evaluated for their effectiveness and salability in the community.
  • All vocational programs will be taught by highly qualified instructors who enjoy teaching and providing opportunities for all students to be successful.
  • Programs will be provided to attract diverse populations of students. Every student with the physical ability and desire to learn will be given opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills to be successful in a job or post secondary education.
  • Students whose deficiency in reading and math skills prevents them from succeeding in their chosen occupational training will be assisted by personnel to overcome and reduce their deficiency.
  • All students will be motivated to obtain the knowledge and technical background of a specific occupation and encouraged to seek training at the post-secondary level.
  • Information and counseling will be provided to help students become aware of their own desires, interests, abilities, and accomplishments, and to use this knowledge for their own personal, social, and occupational development.
  • Students successfully completing programs will provide a skilled workforce for local and area businesses.

Our Philosophy

It is the belief of the TECH that every student completing high school should be prepared with the basic knowledge and skills to obtain a job or continue with higher education. It is the primary responsibility of this school to assist students in obtaining their career goals. This is accomplished by providing the education and training required for them to have the opportunity to achieve their goals. We will try to offer a variety of vocational subjects in an effort to accommodate the needs of students. We will, to the best of our ability, provide instruction to develop our students’ abilities to the fullest capacity. It is not only our responsibility to assist the student in developing a marketable vocational skill, but also to develop essential social skills to function in society. We recognize the individual nature of each student and the need to offer instruction and counseling, which is unique for each student.

Vocational education is for all persons who need, want, and can benefit from it, regardless of career goals. Those who graduate from a vocational program should be prepared to enter and progress in the occupation of their choice, continue their education in a specialized or advanced vocational program at the post-secondary level, or continue their education toward the goal of receiving a college degree. The extent to which vocational graduates continue their formal education would be determined only by their abilities, desires, and opportunities.

It is our desire to foster a concept of excellence in vocational education as it applies to individual interests and abilities. There is dignity and responsibility in work regardless of the job, and all work must be done skillfully and efficiently if it is to contribute to individual or collective success. Every person desires and deserves respect for their accomplishments and our education programs are focused to offer such recognition. The interdependence of vocations and professions is fully recognized. It is our desire that vocationally-educated and trained individuals will be a strong link.

Vocational and technical education and training are approached with professional dignity and it is our belief that in so doing, we will provide excellent opportunities for the students and community we serve.

Student Prerequisites

  • Student has scored proficient or advanced on all areas of the most recent Mississippi Curriculum Test (MCT).
  • Attendance rate is to be in compliance with school district policy.
  • Minimum Grade Point Average of 2.5
  • C or higher in English from the previous year
  • C or higher in the mathematics course from the previous year
  • Any and all discipline issues from the student’s school records will be considered in the admission process.
  • The course instructor will oversee the application and interview process.
  • The course instructor will approve all students accepted for their program.

Our Commitment to Non-Discrimination

The Oxford-Lafayette School of Applied Technology (TECH) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, or disability. Section 504 Coordinator:  Leslie Covington – leslie.covington@gocommodores.org Title IX Coordinator:  Chad Chism – chad.chism@gocommodores.org