Monthly Board Meeting
A Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Oxford School District will be held February 26, 2024, beginning at 5:00 p.m. in the District Board Room, 1637 Highway 30 East, Oxford.
Watch the live-stream meeting on Charger TV’s Gold Channel.(In the event that we have connectivity issues with Charger TV, we will post a Zoom link via social media at the start of the meeting.)
If you are unable to view the meeting live, a recording will remain available for viewing on Charger TV’s on-demand page.
View the meeting agenda.
If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in an executive session, the Board will conduct an executive session in accordance with the Mississippi Open Meetings Act, (MS Code Section 25-41-1 et seq.). Before any executive session is convened, the presiding officer or the presiding officer’s designee will announce publicly that the board is going into executive session and give the reasons therefor.
Public Participation
The Oxford School District Board of Trustees encourages the public to express to the board its viewpoint on issues concerning the operation of the school district. Click here to view the policy and procedures for public participation at monthly board meetings.
If you do not wish to speak publicly at the meeting, but would like to share a comment or concern with Board members, you may do so prior to the meeting using our online form. Click here to submit comments or questions you want Board members to hear on any of the items listed on this meeting’s agenda. Your comments and questions will only be shared with the members of our school board prior to the meeting. Messages submitted for Board members to see will not be viewable to the public.